A Living Liturgy · Lent

Following Jesus in the the Desert – Lent 2016 – Week One

christ in the wilderness.png
Christ in the Wilderness – Briton Riviere

A friend once asked me why I “do Lent”  when it isn’t in the Bible.   Sailing right by the fact that there  are many things that Christians do that really aren’t in the Bible, a bunch of things we don’t do that are in the Bible and Catholics don’t really hold to the idea that the Bible spells out all we need to do.  (Note that Christ specifically commissions Peter to build his Church, but there is no where in the Bible where he mentions collecting the letters of his followers and using this scripture in addition to the Old Testament scriptures that He himself had)  But the question about Lent still left me scratching my head.   This friend celebrated Christmas and Easter as “Bible based”  but missed that Jesus is often described as drawing away for a time for prayer and specifically in Mathew 4:1-11  his journey into the desert for 40 days is described.   I am pretty sure if you are following the Magi and giving gifts on Christmas and marking that Biblical you will have a hard time chiding me as non-biblical for making small sacrifices in immitation of Jesus’ great fast.

As Catholics much of what we do is the living action of liturgy to keep us ever immersed in liturgy.  Most of us aren’t going to drop everything and follow Christ into the desert like the Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers or take on the rigorous Asceticism of some of out Saints, but we can follow them in small ways within our own gardens.

So Lent brings us to our own desert.  This year for me I am starting out rather badly as I have spent the last day and a half in bed and my car is in the shop.   As a family we have given up TV and the children were remarkably on board with that.   We are doing our 40 bags.


small and hidden

When I was in Vienna I spent a day just going into churches.  This was before my conversion to the Catholic faith, but I love these huge beautiful churches.  In one church I was walking through admiring all  the beautiful work and in one corner, behind a pillar where few if any people would ever see, was the most delicately painted angel – small and hidden.  Who knows who painted this little master piece, some unknown apprentice – but the love of the artist gleamed through this little angel’s face.  It reflected not just the talent of the artist but the love of God which fired the heart and created art.

I saw this video for the first time today and obviously it resonated with me.  I couldn’t help be draw the parallel with St. Therese and her “little way” of Mother Theresa’s thoughts on the importance of doing small things with great love. It seems a perfect thing to share for Lent.


Two kinds of Lent

I seem to have two kinds of Lent.  The first is that kind of Lent where I do Lent.  I think a bit before hand, I give up something that is difficult, but not overwhelming.  I read more, I pray more, I attend mass regularly and it is really a good experience – I am richer for it by the end.  I feel closer to God on Easter and life is good.  That is not the kind of Lent I am having this year.

This year Lent is one of those that happens to me.   I don’t feel quite prepared in the first place and then it just sort of happens.   Sad things happen, tragic things even.  Or good things happen but they bring their own basket of stress and worry.  There is beauty and joy — warmer days, blossoming trees, good friends, happy children, and life and spring, but the on the balance it feels hard.   Then Easter comes and it feels different.  It is a finish line;  it is a door to walk through and leave Lent behind.  I find myself closer to God because I have needed him so much and life is precious.  That is  the Lent we are having this year.

40 bags of stuff. · Lent

40 Trash Bag Challenge — Day 13


Today is Tuesday,  March 10, 2009

This is the thirteenth day of the 2009 40 trash bag challenge.  The challenge is an  opportunity to remove the excess clutter and “stuff” from our lives.  The excess can be given away, sold, donated or trashed.   The first goal is to let go; the second goal is to bless others.

Today I am going through the dishes and the knickknacks.  So many things end up in our homes, souveniers, gifts, things we picked up here and there that serve no purpose, are not enjoyed and are just around because we haven’t gotten to the point where we are ready to let them go.  Today is a day to let go, let those things we care little for go to some charity we value so that they may bless others.

Today’s Scripture Reading

Quote for the day: “Who except God can give you peace? Has the world ever been able to satisfy the heart?” – St. Gerard Majella

Reading poems from “A Child’s Garden of Verse“.

Craft: We are working on our eggs.

Lap book page: Poland and Lithuania packet.  St Casmir,  maps, coloring page. (this will span over for several days.  This will be our last day on this.

Other great ideas: (if you stumble on something that should be linked here please comment or send me the link)

Jesus Tree

A Meaningful Lent

40 bags of stuff. · Lent

40 Trash Bag Challenge — Day 12


Today is Monday,  March 9, 2009

This is the twelth day of the 2009 40 trash bag challenge.  The challenge is an  opportunity to remove the excess clutter and “stuff” from our lives.  The excess can be given away, sold, donated or trashed.   The first goal is to let go; the second goal is to bless others.

Today’s  bag of stuff for our family will come from the laundry room -again.  This seems to be the room where everything ends up that doesn’t have a “real” home.

Today is a busy day for us with homeschool enrichment and CCD this afternoon.

Today’s Scripture Reading

Quote for the day: “Men invent new ideals because they dare not attempt old ideals. They look forward with enthusiasm, because they are afraid to look back. – G. K. Chesterton

Reading poems from “A Child’s Garden of Verse“.

Craft: None for today

Lap book page: Poland and Lithuania packet.  St Casmir,  maps, coloring page. (this will span over for several days.

Other great ideas: (if you stumble on something that should be linked here please comment or send me the link)

Jesus Tree

A Meaningful Lent

40 bags of stuff. · Lent

40 Trash Bag Challenge — Day 10


Today is Friday,  March 6, 2009

This is the tenth day of the 2009 40 trash bag challenge.  The challenge is an  opportunity to remove the excess clutter and “stuff” from our lives.  The excess can be given away, sold, donated or trashed.   The first goal is to let go; the second goal is to bless others.

Today’s  bag of stuff for our family will come from the laundry room.  This seems to be the room where everything ends up that doesn’t have a “real” home.

We had Little Flowers today so we are having to do more of our serious study this afternoon which is competing with a very sunny day.  The yard work might win “Oro et Laboro” can be our moto for the day.

Today’s Scripture Reading

Quote for the day: “It is better to say one Our Father fervently and devoutly than a thousand with no devotion and full of distraction.” – St. Edmund

Reading poems from “A Child’s Garden of Verse“.

Craftpisanki for kids  (this will take about three days).

Lap book page: Poland and Lithuania packet.  St Casmir,  maps, coloring page. (this will span over for several days.

Other great ideas: (if you stumble on something that should be linked here please comment or send me the link)

Jesus Tree

A Meaningful Lent

40 bags of stuff. · Lent

40 Trash Bag Challenge — Day 9


Today is Thursday,  March 5, 2009

This is the ninth day of the 2009 40 trash bag challenge.  The challenge is an  opportunity to remove the excess clutter and “stuff” from our lives.  The excess can be given away, sold, donated or trashed.   The first goal is to let go; the second goal is to bless others.

Today’s  bag of stuff for our family will come from the office.  This is a clutter day for me – while I would love to be able to bless someone else with each bag, that isn’t possible.  I am going through my files culling out old and outdated information (that lease agreement form 1994 is NOT going to be needed again) and tossing them.

I suppose in a way this sort of thing helps others, mostly my family, but also those I have made commitments to.  I am one of those people who end up with piles and piles of semi-important papers because I am afraid to let anything go until I have thought about it.  But my procrastination lets things accumulate as I put off thinking about them.  Then I have clutter.  Lent is a good time to look at those problems we face with a critical eye,   How is this helping my walk with Christ, or is it hindering me.  Not dealing with semi-important things in a timely manner hurts.  It hurts my peace, my real life friendships and my spiritual progression.

We are missed starting talking about St Casimir yesterday so we are catching that today along with this fine Saint we are looking at Lithuania and Poland, especially their Easter traditions.

Today’s Scripture Reading

Quote for the day: First, do what is necessary. Next, do what is possible. Soon, you will find you are doing the impossible!”  –  St. Francis of Assisi

Reading about Saint Casimir.

Craftpisanki for kids  (this will take about three days).

Lap book page: Poland and Lithuania packet.  St Casmir,  maps, coloring page. (this will span over for several days.

Other great ideas: (if you stumble on something that should be linked here please comment or send me the link)

Jesus Tree

A Meaningful Lent

40 bags of stuff. · Lent

40 Trash Bag Challenge — Day 3


Today is Friday, February 27, 2008

This is the second day of the 2008 40 trash bag challenge.  The challenge is an  opportunity to remove the excess clutter and “stuff” from our lives.  The excess can be given away, sold, donated or trashed.   The first goal is to let go; the second goal is to bless others.

Today’s  bag of stuff for our family will come from the closets.  We are going through our shoes and coats and collecting a bag (or two) for charity.

We are talking about shoes.

Today’s Scripture Reading

Quote for the day: The bread which you use is the bread of the hungry; the garment hanging in your wardrobe is the garment of him who is naked; the shoes you do not wear are the shoes of the one who is barefoot; the acts of charity that you do not perform are so many injustices that you commit.” – Saint Basil

Read we are reading “Master Pfriem” and our Saint story of Basil the Great.

Craft:  We are making pretzels.

Lap book page: Trace each child’s feet and cut them out.  Decorate the “shoe” on the top and the back list (or draw) the things our feet do.

Other great ideas: (if you stumble on something that should be linked here please comment or send me the link)

Jesus Tree

A Meaningful Lent

40 bags of stuff. · Lent

40 Trash Bag Challenge — Day 2


Today is Wednesday, February 26, 2008

This is the second day of the 2008 40 trash bag challenge.  The challenge is an  opportunity to remove the excess clutter and “stuff” from our lives.  The excess can be given away, sold, donated or trashed.   The first goal is to let go; the second goal is to bless others.

Today’s  bag of stuff for our family will come from the kitchen.  We are going through our cupboards and letting go of  those items we rarely or never use.  This can be baking pans, small appliances,  dishes, or anything stored in the kitchen.  I am also going to hit the dreaded “junk” drawer.  Anything that I don’t have a home or use for I am letting go of.    I am also using a box instead of a bag for the big things like pans or plates.

We are talking about  spring.

Today’s Scripture Reading

Quote for the day: “Totus tuus” – the apostolic motto of Pope John Paul II (totally yours)

See and do activity: Take a nature walk and notice the early bulbs, leaves and new green growth.  Talk about how God blesses use, how all things ultimately belong to Him.

Read we are reading “A seed is sleepy”.

Craft: We are planting small containers of flower seeds to watch them grow.

Lap book page: Draw and color some of the new growth we saw today.

Other great ideas: (if you stumble on something that should be linked here please comment or send me the link)

Jesus Tree

A Meaningful Lent

40 bags of stuff. · Lent

40 Trash Bag Challenge — Day 1


Today is Wednesday, February 25, 2008  —  Ash Wednesday

This is the first day of the 2008 40 trash bag challenge.  The challenge is an  opportunity to remove the excess clutter and “stuff” from our lives.  The excess can be given away, sold, donated or trashed.   The first goal is to let go; the second goal is to bless others.

The first bag of stuff for our family will come from the kitchen.  I am going through an tossing anything that is expired, out of date, junk food (chips, cookies, etc.) that we are avoiding during Lent.  In the fridge anything out of date or “gone bad” is getting bagged.  The freezer and deep freeze are losing anything freezer-burned or expired.   From the pantry we are taking any boxed or canned goods which are unopened but which we won’t use down to the food pantry.

We are talking about  “fasting and alms-giving”.

Today’s Scripture Reading

Quote for the day: “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” – Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

See and do activity: Take an empty glass and drop a single drop of water into it.  Talk to the children about the quote of Mother Teresa and how sometimes it feels like our offerings are very small.   Ask the children how long they think it might take to fill the glass one drop at a time.  Set the sink to drip into the glass, check it throughout the day to see how long it takes.  (it usually takes surprisingly little time)

Read the story of the Widow’s Mite.   Select a charity to collect “pennies”  for.  You might try “Operation Rice bowl” , Aid to the Church in Need or a local charity.

CraftSalt-bread dough wreath of thorns:  This is a fun activity for even the preschoolers.

Lap book page: Draw or print out a picture of a face.  Use charcoal to mark the cross on the forehead.  Talk about the Ash Wednesday ashes and what the mean.

Other great ideas:

Jesus Tree

A Meaningful Lent