Catholic homemaking · Homemaking

Culling the clothing

Every six months or so I walk into the children’s rooms to put away laundry, open the door and realise that I can’t fit everything in there.   I don’t think the children’s clothing actually breeds in the laundry, but it sure seems like it sometimes.  We start the season with the “right” amount of clothing and then through gifts, hand-me-downs and bringing things up from storage as the children grow into a new size we end up stuffed to the gills again.  Now if I was smart I would pull clothing equal to the gifts/hand-me-downs and I wouldn’t let a storage box open before I had sorted out the smaller size but most times I am just not that smart or diligent.

So the clothing multiplies and before many months go by there is just too much in the drawers again, so I have to cut back.  I have written before about my clothing inventory and clothing checklist here.   This system works really well for me.

So the time has come to go through the clothing again.

I pulled out the lists for the girls:

Hannah’s list

Sarah’s list

I am culling back to the list level, then I will be able to see what I need to get.

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